Function Transforms#
MLX uses composable function transformations for automatic differentiation, vectorization, and compute graph optimizations. To see the complete list of function transformations check-out the API documentation.
The key idea behind composable function transformations is that every transformation returns a function which can be further transformed.
Here is a simple example:
>>> dfdx = mx.grad(mx.sin)
>>> dfdx(mx.array(mx.pi))
array(-1, dtype=float32)
>>> mx.cos(mx.array(mx.pi))
array(-1, dtype=float32)
The output of grad()
on sin()
is simply another function. In this
case it is the gradient of the sine function which is exactly the cosine
function. To get the second derivative you can do:
>>> d2fdx2 = mx.grad(mx.grad(mx.sin))
>>> d2fdx2(mx.array(mx.pi / 2))
array(-1, dtype=float32)
>>> mx.sin(mx.array(mx.pi / 2))
array(1, dtype=float32)
Using grad()
on the output of grad()
is always ok. You keep
getting higher order derivatives.
Any of the MLX function transformations can be composed in any order to any
depth. See the following sections for more information on automatic
differentiation and automatic vectorization.
For more information on compile()
see the compile documentation.
Automatic Differentiation#
Automatic differentiation in MLX works on functions rather than on implicit graphs.
If you are coming to MLX from PyTorch, you no longer need functions like
, zero_grad
, and detach
, or properties like
The most basic example is taking the gradient of a scalar-valued function as we
saw above. You can use the grad()
and value_and_grad()
function to
compute gradients of more complex functions. By default these functions compute
the gradient with respect to the first argument:
def loss_fn(w, x, y):
return mx.mean(mx.square(w * x - y))
w = mx.array(1.0)
x = mx.array([0.5, -0.5])
y = mx.array([1.5, -1.5])
# Computes the gradient of loss_fn with respect to w:
grad_fn = mx.grad(loss_fn)
dloss_dw = grad_fn(w, x, y)
# Prints array(-1, dtype=float32)
# To get the gradient with respect to x we can do:
grad_fn = mx.grad(loss_fn, argnums=1)
dloss_dx = grad_fn(w, x, y)
# Prints array([-1, 1], dtype=float32)
One way to get the loss and gradient is to call loss_fn
followed by
, but this can result in a lot of redundant work. Instead, you
should use value_and_grad()
. Continuing the above example:
# Computes the gradient of loss_fn with respect to w:
loss_and_grad_fn = mx.value_and_grad(loss_fn)
loss, dloss_dw = loss_and_grad_fn(w, x, y)
# Prints array(1, dtype=float32)
# Prints array(-1, dtype=float32)
You can also take the gradient with respect to arbitrarily nested Python
containers of arrays (specifically any of list
, tuple
, or
Suppose we wanted a weight and a bias parameter in the above example. A nice way to do that is the following:
def loss_fn(params, x, y):
w, b = params["weight"], params["bias"]
h = w * x + b
return mx.mean(mx.square(h - y))
params = {"weight": mx.array(1.0), "bias": mx.array(0.0)}
x = mx.array([0.5, -0.5])
y = mx.array([1.5, -1.5])
# Computes the gradient of loss_fn with respect to both the
# weight and bias:
grad_fn = mx.grad(loss_fn)
grads = grad_fn(params, x, y)
# Prints
# {'weight': array(-1, dtype=float32), 'bias': array(0, dtype=float32)}
Notice the tree structure of the parameters is preserved in the gradients.
In some cases you may want to stop gradients from propagating through a
part of the function. You can use the stop_gradient()
for that.
Automatic Vectorization#
Use vmap()
to automate vectorizing complex functions. Here we’ll go
through a basic and contrived example for the sake of clarity, but vmap()
can be quite powerful for more complex functions which are difficult to optimize
by hand.
Some operations are not yet supported with vmap()
. If you encounter an error
like: ValueError: Primitive's vmap not implemented.
file an issue and include your function.
We will prioritize including it.
A naive way to add the elements from two sets of vectors is with a loop:
xs = mx.random.uniform(shape=(4096, 100))
ys = mx.random.uniform(shape=(100, 4096))
def naive_add(xs, ys):
return [xs[i] + ys[:, i] for i in range(xs.shape[1])]
Instead you can use vmap()
to automatically vectorize the addition:
# Vectorize over the second dimension of x and the
# first dimension of y
vmap_add = mx.vmap(lambda x, y: x + y, in_axes=(1, 0))
The in_axes
parameter can be used to specify which dimensions of the
corresponding input to vectorize over. Similarly, use out_axes
to specify
where the vectorized axes should be in the outputs.
Let’s time these two different versions:
import timeit
print(timeit.timeit(lambda: mx.eval(naive_add(xs, ys)), number=100))
print(timeit.timeit(lambda: mx.eval(vmap_add(xs, ys)), number=100))
On an M1 Max the naive version takes in total 0.390
seconds whereas the
vectorized version takes only 0.025
seconds, more than ten times faster.
Of course, this operation is quite contrived. A better approach is to simply do
xs + ys.T
, but for more complex functions vmap()
can be quite handy.