Custom Extensions in MLX#
You can extend MLX with custom operations on the CPU or GPU. This guide explains how to do that with a simple example.
Introducing the Example#
Let’s say you would like an operation that takes in two arrays, x
, scales them both by coefficients alpha
and beta
and then adds them together to get the result z = alpha * x + beta * y
You can do that in MLX directly:
import mlx.core as mx
def simple_axpby(x: mx.array, y: mx.array, alpha: float, beta: float) -> mx.array:
return alpha * x + beta * y
This function performs that operation while leaving the implementation and function transformations to MLX.
However, you may want to customize the underlying implementation, perhaps to make it faster. In this tutorial we will go through adding custom extensions. It will cover:
The structure of the MLX library.
Implementing a CPU operation.
Implementing a GPU operation using metal.
Adding the
function transformation.Building a custom extension and binding it to python.
Operations and Primitives#
Operations in MLX build the computation graph. Primitives provide the rules for evaluating and transforming the graph. Let’s start by discussing operations in more detail.
Operations are the front-end functions that operate on arrays. They are defined in the C++ API (Operations), and the Python API (Operations) binds them.
We would like an operation axpby()
that takes in two arrays, x
, and two scalars, alpha
and beta
. This is how to define it in
* Scale and sum two vectors element-wise
* z = alpha * x + beta * y
* Use NumPy-style broadcasting between x and y
* Inputs are upcasted to floats if needed
array axpby(
const array& x, // Input array x
const array& y, // Input array y
const float alpha, // Scaling factor for x
const float beta, // Scaling factor for y
StreamOrDevice s = {} // Stream on which to schedule the operation
The simplest way to implement this is with existing operations:
array axpby(
const array& x, // Input array x
const array& y, // Input array y
const float alpha, // Scaling factor for x
const float beta, // Scaling factor for y
StreamOrDevice s /* = {} */ // Stream on which to schedule the operation
) {
// Scale x and y on the provided stream
auto ax = multiply(array(alpha), x, s);
auto by = multiply(array(beta), y, s);
// Add and return
return add(ax, by, s);
The operations themselves do not contain the implementations that act on the
data, nor do they contain the rules of transformations. Rather, they are an
easy to use interface that use Primitive
building blocks.
A Primitive
is part of the computation graph of an array
. It
defines how to create outputs arrays given a input arrays. Further, a
has methods to run on the CPU or GPU and for function
transformations such as vjp
and jvp
. Lets go back to our example to be
more concrete:
class Axpby : public Primitive {
explicit Axpby(Stream stream, float alpha, float beta)
: Primitive(stream), alpha_(alpha), beta_(beta){};
* A primitive must know how to evaluate itself on the CPU/GPU
* for the given inputs and populate the output array.
* To avoid unnecessary allocations, the evaluation function
* is responsible for allocating space for the array.
void eval_cpu(
const std::vector<array>& inputs,
std::vector<array>& outputs) override;
void eval_gpu(
const std::vector<array>& inputs,
std::vector<array>& outputs) override;
/** The Jacobian-vector product. */
std::vector<array> jvp(
const std::vector<array>& primals,
const std::vector<array>& tangents,
const std::vector<int>& argnums) override;
/** The vector-Jacobian product. */
std::vector<array> vjp(
const std::vector<array>& primals,
const array& cotan,
const std::vector<int>& argnums,
const std::vector<array>& outputs) override;
* The primitive must know how to vectorize itself across
* the given axes. The output is a pair containing the array
* representing the vectorized computation and the axis which
* corresponds to the output vectorized dimension.
virtual std::pair<std::vector<array>, std::vector<int>> vmap(
const std::vector<array>& inputs,
const std::vector<int>& axes) override;
/** Print the primitive. */
void print(std::ostream& os) override {
os << "Axpby";
/** Equivalence check **/
bool is_equivalent(const Primitive& other) const override;
float alpha_;
float beta_;
The Axpby
class derives from the base Primitive
class. The
treats alpha
and beta
as parameters. It then provides
implementations of how the output array is produced given the inputs through
and Axpby::eval_gpu()
. It also provides rules
of transformations in Axpby::jvp()
, Axpby::vjp()
, and
Using the Primitive#
Operations can use this Primitive
to add a new array
to the
computation graph. An array
can be constructed by providing its data
type, shape, the Primitive
that computes it, and the array
inputs that are passed to the primitive.
Let’s reimplement our operation now in terms of our Axpby
array axpby(
const array& x, // Input array x
const array& y, // Input array y
const float alpha, // Scaling factor for x
const float beta, // Scaling factor for y
StreamOrDevice s /* = {} */ // Stream on which to schedule the operation
) {
// Promote dtypes between x and y as needed
auto promoted_dtype = promote_types(x.dtype(), y.dtype());
// Upcast to float32 for non-floating point inputs x and y
auto out_dtype = issubdtype(promoted_dtype, float32)
? promoted_dtype
: promote_types(promoted_dtype, float32);
// Cast x and y up to the determined dtype (on the same stream s)
auto x_casted = astype(x, out_dtype, s);
auto y_casted = astype(y, out_dtype, s);
// Broadcast the shapes of x and y (on the same stream s)
auto broadcasted_inputs = broadcast_arrays({x_casted, y_casted}, s);
auto out_shape = broadcasted_inputs[0].shape();
// Construct the array as the output of the Axpby primitive
// with the broadcasted and upcasted arrays as inputs
return array(
/* const std::vector<int>& shape = */ out_shape,
/* Dtype dtype = */ out_dtype,
/* std::unique_ptr<Primitive> primitive = */
std::make_shared<Axpby>(to_stream(s), alpha, beta),
/* const std::vector<array>& inputs = */ broadcasted_inputs);
This operation now handles the following:
Upcast inputs and resolve the output data type.
Broadcast the inputs and resolve the output shape.
Construct the primitive
using the given stream,alpha
, andbeta
.Construct the output
using the primitive and the inputs.
Implementing the Primitive#
No computation happens when we call the operation alone. The operation only
builds the computation graph. When we evaluate the output array, MLX schedules
the execution of the computation graph, and calls Axpby::eval_cpu()
depending on the stream/device specified by the user.
When Primitive::eval_cpu()
or Primitive::eval_gpu()
are called,
no memory has been allocated for the output array. It falls on the implementation
of these functions to allocate memory as needed.
Implementing the CPU Back-end#
Let’s start by implementing Axpby::eval_cpu()
The method will go over each element of the output array, find the
corresponding input elements of x
and y
and perform the operation
point-wise. This is captured in the templated function axpby_impl()
template <typename T>
void axpby_impl(
const mx::array& x,
const mx::array& y,
mx::array& out,
float alpha_,
float beta_,
mx::Stream stream) {
// Get the CPU command encoder and register input and output arrays
auto& encoder = mx::cpu::get_command_encoder(stream);
// Launch the CPU kernel
encoder.dispatch([x_ptr =<T>(),
y_ptr =<T>(),
out_ptr =<T>(),
size = out.size(),
shape = out.shape(),
x_strides = x.strides(),
y_strides = y.strides(),
beta_]() {
// Cast alpha and beta to the relevant types
T alpha = static_cast<T>(alpha_);
T beta = static_cast<T>(beta_);
// Do the element-wise operation for each output
for (size_t out_idx = 0; out_idx < size; out_idx++) {
// Map linear indices to offsets in x and y
auto x_offset = mx::elem_to_loc(out_idx, shape, x_strides);
auto y_offset = mx::elem_to_loc(out_idx, shape, y_strides);
// We allocate the output to be contiguous and regularly strided
// (defaults to row major) and hence it doesn't need additional mapping
out_ptr[out_idx] = alpha * x_ptr[x_offset] + beta * y_ptr[y_offset];
Our implementation should work for all incoming floating point arrays.
Accordingly, we add dispatches for float32
, float16
, bfloat16
. We throw an error if we encounter an unexpected type.
void Axpby::eval_cpu(
const std::vector<mx::array>& inputs,
std::vector<mx::array>& outputs) {
auto& x = inputs[0];
auto& y = inputs[1];
auto& out = outputs[0];
// Dispatch to the correct dtype
if (out.dtype() == mx::float32) {
return axpby_impl<float>(x, y, out, alpha_, beta_, stream());
} else if (out.dtype() == mx::float16) {
return axpby_impl<mx::float16_t>(x, y, out, alpha_, beta_, stream());
} else if (out.dtype() == mx::bfloat16) {
return axpby_impl<mx::bfloat16_t>(x, y, out, alpha_, beta_, stream());
} else if (out.dtype() == mx::complex64) {
return axpby_impl<mx::complex64_t>(x, y, out, alpha_, beta_, stream());
} else {
throw std::runtime_error(
"Axpby is only supported for floating point types.");
Just this much is enough to run the operation axpby()
on a CPU stream! If
you do not plan on running the operation on the GPU or using transforms on
computation graphs that contain Axpby
, you can stop implementing the
primitive here.
Implementing the GPU Back-end#
Apple silicon devices address their GPUs using the Metal shading language, and GPU kernels in MLX are written using Metal.
Here are some helpful resources if you are new to Metal:
A walkthrough of the metal compute pipeline: Metal Example
Documentation for metal shading language: Metal Specification
Using metal from C++: Metal-cpp
Let’s keep the GPU kernel simple. We will launch exactly as many threads as
there are elements in the output. Each thread will pick the element it needs
from x
and y
, do the point-wise operation, and update its assigned
element in the output.
template <typename T>
[[kernel]] void axpby_general(
device const T* x [[buffer(0)]],
device const T* y [[buffer(1)]],
device T* out [[buffer(2)]],
constant const float& alpha [[buffer(3)]],
constant const float& beta [[buffer(4)]],
constant const int* shape [[buffer(5)]],
constant const int64_t* x_strides [[buffer(6)]],
constant const int64_t* y_strides [[buffer(7)]],
constant const int& ndim [[buffer(8)]],
uint index [[thread_position_in_grid]]) {
// Convert linear indices to offsets in array
auto x_offset = elem_to_loc(index, shape, x_strides, ndim);
auto y_offset = elem_to_loc(index, shape, y_strides, ndim);
// Do the operation and update the output
out[index] =
static_cast<T>(alpha) * x[x_offset] + static_cast<T>(beta) * y[y_offset];
We then need to instantiate this template for all floating point types and give each instantiation a unique host name so we can identify it.
instantiate_kernel("axpby_general_float32", axpby_general, float)
instantiate_kernel("axpby_general_float16", axpby_general, float16_t)
instantiate_kernel("axpby_general_bfloat16", axpby_general, bfloat16_t)
instantiate_kernel("axpby_general_complex64", axpby_general, complex64_t)
The logic to determine the kernel, set the inputs, resolve the grid dimensions,
and dispatch to the GPU are contained in Axpby::eval_gpu()
as shown
/** Evaluate primitive on GPU */
void Axpby::eval_gpu(
const std::vector<array>& inputs,
std::vector<array>& outputs) {
// Prepare inputs
assert(inputs.size() == 2);
auto& x = inputs[0];
auto& y = inputs[1];
auto& out = outputs[0];
// Each primitive carries the stream it should execute on
// and each stream carries its device identifiers
auto& s = stream();
// We get the needed metal device using the stream
auto& d = metal::device(s.device);
// Allocate output memory
// Resolve name of kernel
std::ostringstream kname;
kname << "axpby_" << "general_" << type_to_name(out);
// Make sure the metal library is available
// Make a kernel from this metal library
auto kernel = d.get_kernel(kname.str(), "mlx_ext");
// Prepare to encode kernel
auto& compute_encoder = d.get_command_encoder(s.index);
// Kernel parameters are registered with buffer indices corresponding to
// those in the kernel declaration at axpby.metal
int ndim = out.ndim();
size_t nelem = out.size();
// Encode input arrays to kernel
compute_encoder.set_input_array(x, 0);
compute_encoder.set_input_array(y, 1);
// Encode output arrays to kernel
compute_encoder.set_output_array(out, 2);
// Encode alpha and beta
compute_encoder.set_bytes(alpha_, 3);
compute_encoder.set_bytes(beta_, 4);
// Encode shape, strides and ndim
compute_encoder.set_vector_bytes(x.shape(), 5);
compute_encoder.set_vector_bytes(x.strides(), 6);
compute_encoder.set_bytes(y.strides(), 7);
compute_encoder.set_bytes(ndim, 8);
// We launch 1 thread for each input and make sure that the number of
// threads in any given threadgroup is not higher than the max allowed
size_t tgp_size = std::min(nelem, kernel->maxTotalThreadsPerThreadgroup());
// Fix the 3D size of each threadgroup (in terms of threads)
MTL::Size group_dims = MTL::Size(tgp_size, 1, 1);
// Fix the 3D size of the launch grid (in terms of threads)
MTL::Size grid_dims = MTL::Size(nelem, 1, 1);
// Launch the grid with the given number of threads divided among
// the given threadgroups
compute_encoder.dispatch_threads(grid_dims, group_dims);
We can now call the axpby()
operation on both the CPU and the GPU!
A few things to note about MLX and Metal before moving on. MLX keeps track of
the active command_buffer
and the MTLCommandBuffer
to which it is
associated. We rely on d.get_command_encoder()
to give us the active
metal compute command encoder instead of building a new one and calling
at the end. MLX adds kernels (compute
pipelines) to the active command buffer until some specified limit is hit or
the command buffer needs to be flushed for synchronization.
Primitive Transforms#
Next, let’s add implementations for transformations in a Primitive
These transformations can be built on top of other operations, including the
one we just defined:
/** The Jacobian-vector product. */
std::vector<array> Axpby::jvp(
const std::vector<array>& primals,
const std::vector<array>& tangents,
const std::vector<int>& argnums) {
// Forward mode diff that pushes along the tangents
// The jvp transform on the primitive can built with ops
// that are scheduled on the same stream as the primitive
// If argnums = {0}, we only push along x in which case the
// jvp is just the tangent scaled by alpha
// Similarly, if argnums = {1}, the jvp is just the tangent
// scaled by beta
if (argnums.size() > 1) {
auto scale = argnums[0] == 0 ? alpha_ : beta_;
auto scale_arr = array(scale, tangents[0].dtype());
return {multiply(scale_arr, tangents[0], stream())};
// If, argnums = {0, 1}, we take contributions from both
// which gives us jvp = tangent_x * alpha + tangent_y * beta
else {
return {axpby(tangents[0], tangents[1], alpha_, beta_, stream())};
/** The vector-Jacobian product. */
std::vector<array> Axpby::vjp(
const std::vector<array>& primals,
const std::vector<array>& cotangents,
const std::vector<int>& argnums,
const std::vector<int>& /* unused */) {
// Reverse mode diff
std::vector<array> vjps;
for (auto arg : argnums) {
auto scale = arg == 0 ? alpha_ : beta_;
auto scale_arr = array(scale, cotangents[0].dtype());
vjps.push_back(multiply(scale_arr, cotangents[0], stream()));
return vjps;
Note, a transformation does not need to be fully defined to start using
the Primitive
/** Vectorize primitive along given axis */
std::pair<std::vector<array>, std::vector<int>> Axpby::vmap(
const std::vector<array>& inputs,
const std::vector<int>& axes) {
throw std::runtime_error("[Axpby] vmap not implemented.");
Building and Binding#
Let’s look at the overall directory structure first.
defines the C++ extension libraryextensions/mlx_sample_extensions
sets out the structure for the associated Python packageextensions/bindings.cpp
provides Python bindings for our operationextensions/CMakeLists.txt
holds CMake rules to build the library and Python bindingsextensions/
holds thesetuptools
rules to build and install the Python package
Binding to Python#
We use nanobind to build a Python API for the C++ library. Since bindings for
components such as mlx.core.array
, etc. are
already provided, adding our axpby()
is simple.
NB_MODULE(_ext, m) {
m.doc() = "Sample extension for MLX";
"stream"_a = nb::none(),
Scale and sum two vectors element-wise
``z = alpha * x + beta * y``
Follows numpy style broadcasting between ``x`` and ``y``
Inputs are upcasted to floats if needed
x (array): Input array.
y (array): Input array.
alpha (float): Scaling factor for ``x``.
beta (float): Scaling factor for ``y``.
array: ``alpha * x + beta * y``
Most of the complexity in the above example comes from additional bells and whistles such as the literal names and doc-strings.
must be imported before importing
as defined by the nanobind module above to
ensure that the casters for mlx.core
components like
are available.
Building with CMake#
Building the C++ extension library only requires that you find_package(MLX
and then link it to your library.
# Add library
# Add sources
# Add include headers
# Link to mlx
target_link_libraries(mlx_ext PUBLIC mlx)
We also need to build the attached Metal library. For convenience, we provide a
function that builds a .metallib
target given
sources, headers, destinations, etc. (defined in cmake/extension.cmake
automatically imported with MLX package).
Here is what that looks like in practice:
# Build metallib
TARGET mlx_ext_metallib
TITLE mlx_ext
Finally, we build the nanobind bindings
target_link_libraries(_ext PRIVATE mlx_ext)
target_link_options(_ext PRIVATE -Wl,-rpath,@loader_path)
Building with setuptools
Once we have set out the CMake build rules as described above, we can use the
build utilities defined in mlx.extension
from mlx import extension
from setuptools import setup
if __name__ == "__main__":
description="Sample C++ and Metal extensions for MLX primitives.",
cmdclass={"build_ext": extension.CMakeBuild},
package_data={"mlx_sample_extensions": ["*.so", "*.dylib", "*.metallib"]},
We treat extensions/mlx_sample_extensions
as the package directory
even though it only contains a
to ensure the following:
must be imported before importing_ext
The C++ extension library and the metal library are co-located with the python bindings and copied together if the package is installed
To build the package, first install the build dependencies with pip install
-r requirements.txt
. You can then build inplace for development using
python build_ext -j8 --inplace
(in extensions/
This results in the directory structure:
When you try to install using the command python -m pip install .
), the package will be installed with the same structure as
and the C++ and Metal library will be
copied along with the Python binding since they are specified as
After installing the extension as described above, you should be able to simply import the Python package and play with it as you would any other MLX operation.
Let’s look at a simple script and its results:
import mlx.core as mx
from mlx_sample_extensions import axpby
a = mx.ones((3, 4))
b = mx.ones((3, 4))
c = axpby(a, b, 4.0, 2.0, stream=mx.cpu)
print(f"c shape: {c.shape}")
print(f"c dtype: {c.dtype}")
print(f"c correct: {mx.all(c == 6.0).item()}")
c shape: [3, 4]
c dtype: float32
c correctness: True
Let’s run a quick benchmark and see how our new axpby
operation compares
with the naive simple_axpby()
we first defined.
import mlx.core as mx
from mlx_sample_extensions import axpby
import time
def simple_axpby(x: mx.array, y: mx.array, alpha: float, beta: float) -> mx.array:
return alpha * x + beta * y
M = 4096
N = 4096
x = mx.random.normal((M, N))
y = mx.random.normal((M, N))
alpha = 4.0
beta = 2.0
mx.eval(x, y)
def bench(f):
# Warm up
for i in range(5):
z = f(x, y, alpha, beta)
# Timed run
s = time.time()
for i in range(100):
z = f(x, y, alpha, beta)
e = time.time()
return 1000 * (e - s) / 100
simple_time = bench(simple_axpby)
custom_time = bench(axpby)
print(f"Simple axpby: {simple_time:.3f} ms | Custom axpby: {custom_time:.3f} ms")
The results are Simple axpby: 1.559 ms | Custom axpby: 0.774 ms
. We see
modest improvements right away!
This operation is now good to be used to build other operations, in
calls, and also as a part of graph transformations like
Download the code
The full example code is available in mlx.