array arange(double start, double stop, double step, Dtype dtype, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
A 1D array of numbers starting at
(optional), stopping at stop, stepping bystep
array arange(double start, double stop, double step, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array arange(double start, double stop, Dtype dtype, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array arange(double start, double stop, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array arange(double stop, Dtype dtype, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array arange(double stop, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array arange(int start, int stop, int step, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array arange(int start, int stop, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array arange(int stop, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array linspace(double start, double stop, int num = 50, Dtype dtype = float32, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
A 1D array of
evenly spaced numbers in the range[start, stop]
array astype(array a, Dtype dtype, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Convert an array to the given data type.
array as_strided(array a, Shape shape, Strides strides, size_t offset, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Create a view of an array with the given shape and strides.
array copy(array a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Copy another array.
array full(Shape shape, array vals, Dtype dtype, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Fill an array of the given shape with the given value(s).
array full(Shape shape, array vals, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array zeros(const Shape &shape, Dtype dtype, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Fill an array of the given shape with zeros.
inline array zeros(const Shape &shape, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array zeros_like(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array ones(const Shape &shape, Dtype dtype, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Fill an array of the given shape with ones.
inline array ones(const Shape &shape, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array ones_like(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array eye(int n, int m, int k, Dtype dtype, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Fill an array of the given shape (n,m) with ones in the specified diagonal k, and zeros everywhere else.
inline array eye(int n, Dtype dtype, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
inline array eye(int n, int m, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
inline array eye(int n, int m, int k, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
inline array eye(int n, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array identity(int n, Dtype dtype, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Create a square matrix of shape (n,n) of zeros, and ones in the major diagonal.
inline array identity(int n, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array tri(int n, int m, int k, Dtype type, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
inline array tri(int n, Dtype type, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array tril(array x, int k = 0, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array triu(array x, int k = 0, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array reshape(const array &a, Shape shape, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Reshape an array to the given shape.
array unflatten(const array &a, int axis, Shape shape, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Unflatten the axis to the given shape.
array flatten(const array &a, int start_axis, int end_axis = -1, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Flatten the dimensions in the range
[start_axis, end_axis]
array flatten(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Flatten the array to 1D.
array hadamard_transform(const array &a, std::optional<float> scale = std::nullopt, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Multiply the array by the Hadamard matrix of corresponding size.
array squeeze(const array &a, const std::vector<int> &axes, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Remove singleton dimensions at the given axes.
array squeeze(const array &a, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Remove singleton dimensions at the given axis.
array squeeze(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Remove all singleton dimensions.
array expand_dims(const array &a, const std::vector<int> &axes, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Add a singleton dimension at the given axes.
array expand_dims(const array &a, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Add a singleton dimension at the given axis.
array slice(const array &a, Shape start, Shape stop, Shape strides, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Slice an array.
inline array slice(const array &a, std::initializer_list<int> start, Shape stop, Shape strides, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array slice(const array &a, Shape start, Shape stop, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Slice an array with a stride of 1 in each dimension.
array slice(const array &a, const array &start, std::vector<int> axes, Shape slice_size, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Slice an array with dynamic starting indices.
array slice_update(const array &src, const array &update, Shape start, Shape stop, Shape strides, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Update a slice from the source array.
array slice_update(const array &src, const array &update, Shape start, Shape stop, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Update a slice from the source array with stride 1 in each dimension.
array slice_update(const array &src, const array &update, const array &start, std::vector<int> axes, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Update a slice from the source array with dynamic starting indices.
std::vector<array> split(const array &a, int num_splits, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Split an array into sub-arrays along a given axis.
std::vector<array> meshgrid(const std::vector<array> &arrays, bool sparse = false, const std::string &indexing = "xy", StreamOrDevice s = {})#
A vector of coordinate arrays from coordinate vectors.
array clip(const array &a, const std::optional<array> &a_min = std::nullopt, const std::optional<array> &a_max = std::nullopt, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Clip (limit) the values in an array.
array concatenate(std::vector<array> arrays, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Concatenate arrays along a given axis.
array stack(const std::vector<array> &arrays, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Stack arrays along a new axis.
array repeat(const array &arr, int repeats, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Repeat an array along an axis.
array repeat(const array &arr, int repeats, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array transpose(const array &a, std::vector<int> axes, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Permutes the dimensions according to the given axes.
array swapaxes(const array &a, int axis1, int axis2, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Swap two axes of an array.
array moveaxis(const array &a, int source, int destination, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Move an axis of an array.
array pad(const array &a, const std::vector<int> &axes, const Shape &low_pad_size, const Shape &high_pad_size, const array &pad_value = array(0), const std::string &mode = "constant", StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Pad an array with a constant value.
array pad(const array &a, const std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> &pad_width, const array &pad_value = array(0), const std::string &mode = "constant", StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Pad an array with a constant value along all axes.
array pad(const array &a, const std::pair<int, int> &pad_width, const array &pad_value = array(0), const std::string &mode = "constant", StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array pad(const array &a, int pad_width, const array &pad_value = array(0), const std::string &mode = "constant", StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array transpose(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Permutes the dimensions in reverse order.
array broadcast_to(const array &a, const Shape &shape, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Broadcast an array to a given shape.
std::vector<array> broadcast_arrays(const std::vector<array> &inputs, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Broadcast a vector of arrays against one another.
array equal(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns the bool array with (a == b) element-wise.
inline array operator==(const array &a, const array &b)#
array not_equal(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns the bool array with (a != b) element-wise.
inline array operator!=(const array &a, const array &b)#
array greater(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns bool array with (a > b) element-wise.
inline array operator>(const array &a, const array &b)#
array greater_equal(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns bool array with (a >= b) element-wise.
inline array operator>=(const array &a, const array &b)#
array less(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns bool array with (a < b) element-wise.
inline array operator<(const array &a, const array &b)#
array less_equal(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns bool array with (a <= b) element-wise.
inline array operator<=(const array &a, const array &b)#
array array_equal(const array &a, const array &b, bool equal_nan, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
True if two arrays have the same shape and elements.
inline array array_equal(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array isnan(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array isinf(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array isfinite(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array isposinf(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array isneginf(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array where(const array &condition, const array &x, const array &y, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Select from x or y depending on condition.
array nan_to_num(const array &a, float nan = 0.0f, const std::optional<float> posinf = std::nullopt, const std::optional<float> neginf = std::nullopt, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Replace NaN and infinities with finite numbers.
array all(const array &a, bool keepdims, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
True if all elements in the array are true (or non-zero).
inline array all(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array allclose(const array &a, const array &b, double rtol = 1e-5, double atol = 1e-8, bool equal_nan = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
True if the two arrays are equal within the specified tolerance.
array isclose(const array &a, const array &b, double rtol = 1e-5, double atol = 1e-8, bool equal_nan = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns a boolean array where two arrays are element-wise equal within the specified tolerance.
array all(const array &a, const std::vector<int> &axes, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Reduces the input along the given axes.
An output value is true if all the corresponding inputs are true.
array all(const array &a, int axis, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Reduces the input along the given axis.
An output value is true if all the corresponding inputs are true.
array any(const array &a, bool keepdims, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
True if any elements in the array are true (or non-zero).
inline array any(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array any(const array &a, const std::vector<int> &axes, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Reduces the input along the given axes.
An output value is true if any of the corresponding inputs are true.
array any(const array &a, int axis, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Reduces the input along the given axis.
An output value is true if any of the corresponding inputs are true.
array sum(const array &a, bool keepdims, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Sums the elements of an array.
inline array sum(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array sum(const array &a, const std::vector<int> &axes, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Sums the elements of an array along the given axes.
array sum(const array &a, int axis, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Sums the elements of an array along the given axis.
array mean(const array &a, bool keepdims, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Computes the mean of the elements of an array.
inline array mean(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array mean(const array &a, const std::vector<int> &axes, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Computes the mean of the elements of an array along the given axes.
array mean(const array &a, int axis, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Computes the mean of the elements of an array along the given axis.
array var(const array &a, bool keepdims, int ddof = 0, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Computes the variance of the elements of an array.
inline array var(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array var(const array &a, const std::vector<int> &axes, bool keepdims = false, int ddof = 0, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Computes the variance of the elements of an array along the given axes.
array var(const array &a, int axis, bool keepdims = false, int ddof = 0, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Computes the variance of the elements of an array along the given axis.
array std(const array &a, bool keepdims, int ddof = 0, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Computes the standard deviation of the elements of an array.
inline array std(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array std(const array &a, const std::vector<int> &axes, bool keepdims = false, int ddof = 0, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Computes the standard deviatoin of the elements of an array along the given axes.
array std(const array &a, int axis, bool keepdims = false, int ddof = 0, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Computes the standard deviation of the elements of an array along the given axis.
array prod(const array &a, bool keepdims, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
The product of all elements of the array.
inline array prod(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array prod(const array &a, const std::vector<int> &axes, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
The product of the elements of an array along the given axes.
array prod(const array &a, int axis, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
The product of the elements of an array along the given axis.
array max(const array &a, bool keepdims, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
The maximum of all elements of the array.
inline array max(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array max(const array &a, const std::vector<int> &axes, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
The maximum of the elements of an array along the given axes.
array max(const array &a, int axis, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
The maximum of the elements of an array along the given axis.
array min(const array &a, bool keepdims, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
The minimum of all elements of the array.
inline array min(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array min(const array &a, const std::vector<int> &axes, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
The minimum of the elements of an array along the given axes.
array min(const array &a, int axis, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
The minimum of the elements of an array along the given axis.
array argmin(const array &a, bool keepdims, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns the index of the minimum value in the array.
inline array argmin(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array argmin(const array &a, int axis, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns the indices of the minimum values along a given axis.
array argmax(const array &a, bool keepdims, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns the index of the maximum value in the array.
inline array argmax(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array argmax(const array &a, int axis, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns the indices of the maximum values along a given axis.
array sort(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns a sorted copy of the flattened array.
array sort(const array &a, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns a sorted copy of the array along a given axis.
array argsort(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns indices that sort the flattened array.
array argsort(const array &a, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns indices that sort the array along a given axis.
array partition(const array &a, int kth, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns a partitioned copy of the flattened array such that the smaller kth elements are first.
array partition(const array &a, int kth, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns a partitioned copy of the array along a given axis such that the smaller kth elements are first.
array argpartition(const array &a, int kth, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns indices that partition the flattened array such that the smaller kth elements are first.
array argpartition(const array &a, int kth, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns indices that partition the array along a given axis such that the smaller kth elements are first.
array topk(const array &a, int k, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns topk elements of the flattened array.
array topk(const array &a, int k, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns topk elements of the array along a given axis.
array logsumexp(const array &a, bool keepdims, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
The logsumexp of all elements of the array.
inline array logsumexp(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array logsumexp(const array &a, const std::vector<int> &axes, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
The logsumexp of the elements of an array along the given axes.
array logsumexp(const array &a, int axis, bool keepdims = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
The logsumexp of the elements of an array along the given axis.
array abs(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Absolute value of elements in an array.
array negative(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Negate an array.
array operator-(const array &a)#
array sign(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
The sign of the elements in an array.
array logical_not(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Logical not of an array.
array logical_and(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Logical and of two arrays.
array operator&&(const array &a, const array &b)#
array logical_or(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Logical or of two arrays.
array operator||(const array &a, const array &b)#
array reciprocal(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
The reciprocal (1/x) of the elements in an array.
array add(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Add two arrays.
array operator+(const array &a, const array &b)#
array subtract(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Subtract two arrays.
array operator-(const array &a, const array &b)#
array multiply(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Multiply two arrays.
array operator*(const array &a, const array &b)#
array divide(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Divide two arrays.
array operator/(const array &a, const array &b)#
array operator/(double a, const array &b)#
array operator/(const array &a, double b)#
std::vector<array> divmod(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Compute the element-wise quotient and remainder.
array floor_divide(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Compute integer division.
Equivalent to doing floor(a / x).
array remainder(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Compute the element-wise remainder of division.
array operator%(const array &a, const array &b)#
array maximum(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Element-wise maximum between two arrays.
array minimum(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Element-wise minimum between two arrays.
array floor(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Floor the element of an array.
array ceil(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Ceil the element of an array.
array square(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Square the elements of an array.
array exp(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Exponential of the elements of an array.
array sin(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Sine of the elements of an array.
array cos(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Cosine of the elements of an array.
array tan(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Tangent of the elements of an array.
array arcsin(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Arc Sine of the elements of an array.
array arccos(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Arc Cosine of the elements of an array.
array arctan(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Arc Tangent of the elements of an array.
array arctan2(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Inverse tangent of the ratio of two arrays.
array sinh(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Hyperbolic Sine of the elements of an array.
array cosh(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Hyperbolic Cosine of the elements of an array.
array tanh(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Hyperbolic Tangent of the elements of an array.
array arcsinh(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Inverse Hyperbolic Sine of the elements of an array.
array arccosh(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Inverse Hyperbolic Cosine of the elements of an array.
array arctanh(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent of the elements of an array.
array degrees(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Convert the elements of an array from Radians to Degrees.
array radians(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Convert the elements of an array from Degrees to Radians.
array log(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Natural logarithm of the elements of an array.
array log2(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Log base 2 of the elements of an array.
array log10(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Log base 10 of the elements of an array.
array log1p(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Natural logarithm of one plus elements in the array:
log(1 + a)
array logaddexp(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Log-add-exp of one elements in the array:
log(exp(a) + exp(b))
array sigmoid(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Element-wise logistic sigmoid of the array:
1 / (1 + exp(-x)
array erf(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Computes the error function of the elements of an array.
array erfinv(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Computes the inverse error function of the elements of an array.
array expm1(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Computes the expm1 function of the elements of an array.
array stop_gradient(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Stop the flow of gradients.
array round(const array &a, int decimals, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Round a floating point number.
inline array round(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array matmul(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Matrix-matrix multiplication.
array gather(const array &a, const std::vector<array> &indices, const std::vector<int> &axes, const Shape &slice_sizes, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Gather array entries given indices and slices.
inline array gather(const array &a, const array &indices, int axis, const Shape &slice_sizes, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array kron(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Compute the Kronecker product of two arrays.
array take(const array &a, const array &indices, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Take array slices at the given indices of the specified axis.
array take(const array &a, int index, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array take(const array &a, const array &indices, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Take array entries at the given indices treating the array as flattened.
array take(const array &a, int index, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array take_along_axis(const array &a, const array &indices, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Take array entries given indices along the axis.
array put_along_axis(const array &a, const array &indices, const array &values, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Put the values into the array at the given indices along the axis.
array scatter_add_axis(const array &a, const array &indices, const array &values, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Add the values into the array at the given indices along the axis.
array scatter(const array &a, const std::vector<array> &indices, const array &updates, const std::vector<int> &axes, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Scatter updates to the given indices.
The parameters
determine the locations ofa
that are updated with the values inupdates
. Assuming 1-dindices
for simplicity,indices[i]
are the indices on axisaxes[i]
to which the values inupdates
will be applied. Note each array inindices
is assigned to a corresponding axis and henceindices.size() == axes.size()
. If an index/axis pair is not provided then indices along that axis are assumed to be zero.Note the rank of
must be equal to the sum of the rank of the broadcastedindices
and the rank ofa
. In other words, assuming the arrays inindices
have the same shape,updates.ndim() == indices[0].ndim() + a.ndim()
. The leading dimensions ofupdates
correspond to the indices, and the remaininga.ndim()
dimensions are the values that will be applied to the given location ina
.For example:
auto in = zeros({4, 4}, float32); auto indices = array({2}); auto updates = reshape(arange(1, 3, float32), {1, 1, 2}); std::vector<int> axes{0}; auto out = scatter(in, {indices}, updates, axes);
will produce:
array([[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=float32)
This scatters the two-element row vector
[1, 2]
starting at the(2, 0)
position ofa
.Adding another element to
will scatter into another location ofa
. We also have to add an another update for the new index:auto in = zeros({4, 4}, float32); auto indices = array({2, 0}); auto updates = reshape(arange(1, 5, float32), {2, 1, 2}); std::vector<int> axes{0}; auto out = scatter(in, {indices}, updates, axes):
will produce:
array([[3, 4, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=float32)
To control the scatter location on an additional axis, add another index array to
and another axis toaxes
:auto in = zeros({4, 4}, float32); auto indices = std::vector{array({2, 0}), array({1, 2})}; auto updates = reshape(arange(1, 5, float32), {2, 1, 2}); std::vector<int> axes{0, 1}; auto out = scatter(in, indices, updates, axes);
will produce:
array([[0, 0, 3, 4], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 2, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=float32)
Items in indices are broadcasted together. This means:
auto indices = std::vector{array({2, 0}), array({1})};
is equivalent to:
auto indices = std::vector{array({2, 0}), array({1, 1})};
does not perform bounds checking on the indices and updates. Out-of-bounds accesses ona
are undefined and typically result in unintended or invalid memory writes.
inline array scatter(const array &a, const array &indices, const array &updates, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array scatter_add(const array &a, const std::vector<array> &indices, const array &updates, const std::vector<int> &axes, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Scatter and add updates to given indices.
inline array scatter_add(const array &a, const array &indices, const array &updates, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array scatter_prod(const array &a, const std::vector<array> &indices, const array &updates, const std::vector<int> &axes, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Scatter and prod updates to given indices.
inline array scatter_prod(const array &a, const array &indices, const array &updates, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array scatter_max(const array &a, const std::vector<array> &indices, const array &updates, const std::vector<int> &axes, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Scatter and max updates to given linear indices.
inline array scatter_max(const array &a, const array &indices, const array &updates, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array scatter_min(const array &a, const std::vector<array> &indices, const array &updates, const std::vector<int> &axes, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Scatter and min updates to given linear indices.
inline array scatter_min(const array &a, const array &indices, const array &updates, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array sqrt(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Square root the elements of an array.
array rsqrt(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Square root and reciprocal the elements of an array.
array softmax(const array &a, const std::vector<int> &axes, bool precise = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Softmax of an array.
array softmax(const array &a, bool precise = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Softmax of an array.
inline array softmax(const array &a, int axis, bool precise = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Softmax of an array.
array power(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Raise elements of a to the power of b element-wise.
array cumsum(const array &a, int axis, bool reverse = false, bool inclusive = true, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Cumulative sum of an array.
array cumprod(const array &a, int axis, bool reverse = false, bool inclusive = true, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Cumulative product of an array.
array cummax(const array &a, int axis, bool reverse = false, bool inclusive = true, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Cumulative max of an array.
array cummin(const array &a, int axis, bool reverse = false, bool inclusive = true, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Cumulative min of an array.
array conv_general(array input, array weight, std::vector<int> stride = {}, std::vector<int> padding_lo = {}, std::vector<int> padding_hi = {}, std::vector<int> kernel_dilation = {}, std::vector<int> input_dilation = {}, int groups = 1, bool flip = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
General convolution with a filter.
inline array conv_general(const array &input, const array &weight, std::vector<int> stride = {}, std::vector<int> padding = {}, std::vector<int> kernel_dilation = {}, std::vector<int> input_dilation = {}, int groups = 1, bool flip = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
General convolution with a filter.
array conv1d(const array &input, const array &weight, int stride = 1, int padding = 0, int dilation = 1, int groups = 1, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
1D convolution with a filter
array conv2d(const array &input, const array &weight, const std::pair<int, int> &stride = {1, 1}, const std::pair<int, int> &padding = {0, 0}, const std::pair<int, int> &dilation = {1, 1}, int groups = 1, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
2D convolution with a filter
array conv3d(const array &input, const array &weight, const std::tuple<int, int, int> &stride = {1, 1, 1}, const std::tuple<int, int, int> &padding = {0, 0, 0}, const std::tuple<int, int, int> &dilation = {1, 1, 1}, int groups = 1, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
3D convolution with a filter
array conv_transpose1d(const array &input, const array &weight, int stride = 1, int padding = 0, int dilation = 1, int groups = 1, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
1D transposed convolution with a filter
array conv_transpose2d(const array &input, const array &weight, const std::pair<int, int> &stride = {1, 1}, const std::pair<int, int> &padding = {0, 0}, const std::pair<int, int> &dilation = {1, 1}, int groups = 1, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
2D transposed convolution with a filter
array conv_transpose3d(const array &input, const array &weight, const std::tuple<int, int, int> &stride = {1, 1, 1}, const std::tuple<int, int, int> &padding = {0, 0, 0}, const std::tuple<int, int, int> &dilation = {1, 1, 1}, int groups = 1, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
3D transposed convolution with a filter
array quantized_matmul(array x, array w, array scales, array biases, bool transpose = true, int group_size = 64, int bits = 4, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Quantized matmul multiplies x with a quantized matrix w.
std::tuple<array, array, array> quantize(const array &w, int group_size = 64, int bits = 4, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Quantize a matrix along its last axis.
array dequantize(const array &w, const array &scales, const array &biases, int group_size = 64, int bits = 4, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Dequantize a matrix produced by quantize()
array gather_qmm(const array &x, const array &w, const array &scales, const array &biases, std::optional<array> lhs_indices = std::nullopt, std::optional<array> rhs_indices = std::nullopt, bool transpose = true, int group_size = 64, int bits = 4, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Compute matrix products with matrix-level gather.
array tensordot(const array &a, const array &b, const int axis = 2, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Returns a contraction of a and b over multiple dimensions.
array tensordot(const array &a, const array &b, const std::vector<int> &axes_a, const std::vector<int> &axes_b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array outer(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Compute the outer product of two vectors.
array inner(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Compute the inner product of two vectors.
array addmm(array c, array a, array b, const float &alpha = 1.f, const float &beta = 1.f, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Compute D = beta * C + alpha * (A @ B)
array block_masked_mm(array a, array b, int block_size, std::optional<array> mask_out = std::nullopt, std::optional<array> mask_lhs = std::nullopt, std::optional<array> mask_rhs = std::nullopt, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Compute matrix product with block masking.
array gather_mm(array a, array b, std::optional<array> lhs_indices = std::nullopt, std::optional<array> rhs_indices = std::nullopt, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Compute matrix product with matrix-level gather.
array diagonal(const array &a, int offset = 0, int axis1 = 0, int axis2 = 1, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Extract a diagonal or construct a diagonal array.
array diag(const array &a, int k = 0, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Extract diagonal from a 2d array or create a diagonal matrix.
array trace(const array &a, int offset, int axis1, int axis2, Dtype dtype, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Return the sum along a specified diagonal in the given array.
array trace(const array &a, int offset, int axis1, int axis2, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array trace(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
std::vector<array> depends(const std::vector<array> &inputs, const std::vector<array> &dependencies)#
Implements the identity function but allows injecting dependencies to other arrays.
This ensures that these other arrays will have been computed when the outputs of this function are computed.
array atleast_1d(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
convert an array to an atleast ndim array
array atleast_2d(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array atleast_3d(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array number_of_elements(const array &a, std::vector<int> axes, bool inverted, Dtype dtype = int32, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Extract the number of elements along some axes as a scalar array.
Used to allow shape dependent shapeless compilation (pun intended).
array conjugate(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array bitwise_and(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Bitwise and.
array operator&(const array &a, const array &b)#
array bitwise_or(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Bitwise inclusive or.
array operator|(const array &a, const array &b)#
array bitwise_xor(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Bitwise exclusive or.
array operator^(const array &a, const array &b)#
array left_shift(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Shift bits to the left.
array operator<<(const array &a, const array &b)#
array right_shift(const array &a, const array &b, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Shift bits to the right.
array operator>>(const array &a, const array &b)#
array bitwise_invert(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Invert the bits.
array operator~(const array &a)#
array view(const array &a, const Dtype &dtype, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array roll(const array &a, int shift, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
Roll elements along an axis and introduce them on the other side.
array roll(const array &a, const Shape &shift, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array roll(const array &a, int shift, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array roll(const array &a, const Shape &shift, int axis, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array roll(const array &a, const Shape &shift, const std::vector<int> &axes, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array real(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array imag(const array &a, StreamOrDevice s = {})#
array contiguous(const array &a, bool allow_col_major = false, StreamOrDevice s = {})#