Distributed Communication#

MLX utilizes MPI to provide distributed communication operations that allow the computational cost of training or inference to be shared across many physical machines. You can see a list of the supported operations in the API docs.


A lot of operations may not be supported or not as fast as they should be. We are adding more and tuning the ones we have as we are figuring out the best way to do distributed computing on Macs using MLX.

Getting Started#

MLX already comes with the ability to “talk” to MPI if it is installed on the machine. The minimal distributed program in MLX is as simple as:

import mlx.core as mx

world = mx.distributed.init()
x = mx.distributed.all_sum(mx.ones(10))
print(world.rank(), x)

The program above sums the array mx.ones(10) across all distributed processes. If simply run with python, however, only one process is launched and no distributed communication takes place.

To launch the program in distributed mode we need to use mpirun or mpiexec depending on the MPI installation. The simplest possible way is the following:

$ mpirun -np 2 python test.py
1 array([2, 2, 2, ..., 2, 2, 2], dtype=float32)
0 array([2, 2, 2, ..., 2, 2, 2], dtype=float32)

The above launches two processes on the same (local) machine and we can see both standard output streams. The processes send the array of 1s to each other and compute the sum which is printed. Launching with mpirun -np 4 ... would print 4 etc.

Installing MPI#

MPI can be installed with Homebrew, using the Anaconda package manager or compiled from source. Most of our testing is done using openmpi installed with the Anaconda package manager as follows:

$ conda install conda-forge::openmpi

Installing with Homebrew may require specifying the location of libmpi.dyld so that MLX can find it and load it at runtime. This can simply be achieved by passing the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to mpirun.

$ mpirun -np 2 -x DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib/ python test.py

Setting up Remote Hosts#

MPI can automatically connect to remote hosts and set up the communication over the network if the remote hosts can be accessed via ssh. A good checklist to debug connectivity issues is the following:

  • ssh hostname works from all machines to all machines without asking for password or host confirmation

  • mpirun is accessible on all machines. You can call mpirun using its full path to force all machines to use a specific path.

  • Ensure that the hostname used by MPI is the one that you have configured in the .ssh/config files on all machines.


For an example hostname foo.bar.com MPI can use only foo as the hostname passed to ssh if the current hostname matches *.bar.com.

An easy way to pass the host names to MPI is using a host file. A host file looks like the following, where host1 and host2 should be the fully qualified domain names or IPs for these hosts.

host1 slots=1
host2 slots=1

When using MLX, it is very likely that you want to use 1 slot per host, ie one process per host. The hostfile also needs to contain the current host if you want to run on the local host. Passing the host file to mpirun is simply done using the --hostfile command line argument.

Training Example#

In this section we will adapt an MLX training loop to support data parallel distributed training. Namely, we will average the gradients across a set of hosts before applying them to the model.

Our training loop looks like the following code snippet if we omit the model, dataset and optimizer initialization.

model = ...
optimizer = ...
dataset = ...

def step(model, x, y):
    loss, grads = loss_grad_fn(model, x, y)
    optimizer.update(model, grads)
    return loss

for x, y in dataset:
    loss = step(model, x, y)
    mx.eval(loss, model.parameters())

All we have to do to average the gradients across machines is perform an all_sum() and divide by the size of the Group. Namely we have to mlx.utils.tree_map() the gradients with following function.

def all_avg(x):
    return mx.distributed.all_sum(x) / mx.distributed.init().size()

Putting everything together our training loop step looks as follows with everything else remaining the same.

from mlx.utils import tree_map

def all_reduce_grads(grads):
    N = mx.distributed.init().size()
    if N == 1:
        return grads
    return tree_map(
        lambda x: mx.distributed.all_sum(x) / N,

def step(model, x, y):
    loss, grads = loss_grad_fn(model, x, y)
    grads = all_reduce_grads(grads)  # <--- This line was added
    optimizer.update(model, grads)
    return loss

Tuning All Reduce#

We are working on improving the performance of all reduce on MLX but for now the two main things one can do to extract the most out of distributed training with MLX are:

  1. Perform a few large reductions instead of many small ones to improve bandwidth and latency

  2. Pass --mca btl_tcp_links 4 to mpirun to configure it to use 4 tcp connections between each host to improve bandwidth