Applies 1-dimensional average pooling. |
Applies 2-dimensional average pooling. |
Applies Batch Normalization over a 2D or 3D input. |
Applies a 1-dimensional convolution over the multi-channel input sequence. |
Applies a 2-dimensional convolution over the multi-channel input image. |
Applies a 3-dimensional convolution over the multi-channel input image. |
Applies a 1-dimensional transposed convolution over the multi-channel input sequence. |
Applies a 2-dimensional transposed convolution over the multi-channel input image. |
Applies a 3-dimensional transposed convolution over the multi-channel input image. |
Randomly zero a portion of the elements during training. |
Apply 2D channel-wise dropout during training. |
Apply 3D channel-wise dropout during training. |
Implements a simple lookup table that maps each input integer to a high-dimensional vector. |
Applies the Gaussian Error Linear Units. |
Applies the gated linear unit function. |
Applies Group Normalization [1] to the inputs. |
A gated recurrent unit (GRU) RNN layer. |
Applies the HardShrink function. |
Applies the HardTanh function. |
Applies the hardswish function, element-wise. |
Applies instance normalization [1] on the inputs. |
Applies layer normalization [1] on the inputs. |
Applies the Leaky Rectified Linear Unit. |
Applies an affine transformation to the input. |
An LSTM recurrent layer. |
Applies 1-dimensional max pooling. |
Applies 2-dimensional max pooling. |
Applies the Mish function, element-wise. |
Implements the scaled dot product attention with multiple heads. |
Applies the element-wise parametric ReLU. |
The same as |
Applies an affine transformation to the input using a quantized weight matrix. |
Applies Root Mean Square normalization [1] to the inputs. |
Applies the Rectified Linear Unit. |
Applies the Rectified Linear Unit 6. |
An Elman recurrent layer. |
Implements the rotary positional encoding. |
Applies the Scaled Exponential Linear Unit. |
A layer that calls the passed callables in order. |
Applies the Sigmoid Linear Unit. |
Implements sinusoidal positional encoding. |
Applies the Softmin function. |
Applies the Softshrink function. |
Applies the Softsign function. |
Applies the Softmax function. |
Applies the Softplus function. |
Applies the Step Activation Function. |
Applies the hyperbolic tangent function. |
Implements a standard Transformer model. |
Upsample the input signal spatially. |