Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide#

Load some data#

In MLX data all samples are dictionaries of arrays. The library provides functions to download and iterate over some common datasets but the goal is to provide functions that allow the user to load and process on the fly their own datasets.

Let’s start with the simplest example on MNIST.

# This is the standard way to import and access mlx.data
import mlx.data as dx

# Let's import MNIST loading
from mlx.data.datasets import load_mnist

# Loads a buffer with the MNIST images
mnist_train = load_mnist(train=True)

# Let's shuffle flatten and batch to prepare for MLP training
mnist_mlp = (
    .key_transform("image", lambda x: x.astype("float32").reshape(-1))
    .prefetch(4, 2)

# Now we can iterate over the batches in normal python
for batch in mnist_mlp:
    x, y = batch["image"], batch["label"]

MLX Data provides many operations that transform samples so you can create arbitrarily complex pipelines.

About the GIL#

Python functions called by MLX data still run under the Global Interpreter Lock. To avoid serializing your data pipeline, either drop into Numpy or some other optimized library as quickly as possible or limit the processing time of the python part of the data pipeline.

We would advise, however, to avoid premature optimization and only try to reduce GIL overhead if you are certain that it is limiting your data processing pipeline.

The following are examples where we would use a python function for flexibility rather than have a specific C++ transformation.

# Normalizing images in [0, 1]
dset = dset.key_transform("image", lambda x: x.astype("float32") / 255)

# Extracting mel spectrogram features
# A big chunk of the time is spent computing the FFT which is done with the GIL off so...
from mlx.data.features import mfsc
dset = dset.key_transform("audio", mfsc(n_filterbank=80, sampling_freq=16000))

# Filter stream samples based on values (empty dict means drop the sample)
dset = dset.sample_transform(lambda s: s if s["length"] > 10 else dict())