Buffers, Streams and Samples

Buffers, Streams and Samples#

In MLX data there are three main concepts that you need to know about buffers, streams and samples. For instance, buffer_from_vector() and stream_csv_reader() return a buffer and stream respectively and are often the beginning of a data pipeline written in MLX data.


Before describing the buffers and streams we should mention what it is they contain. In MLX data samples are dictionaries that map string keys to array values. In C++ they are simply instances of std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<mlx::data::Array>> or simply mlx::data::Sample and in Python they are a dictionary from strings to anything that implements the buffer protocol.

# This is a valid sample
sample = {"hello": np.array(0)}

# So is this because scalars are cast to scalar arrays
sample = {"scalar": 42}

# Strings can also be used, however, they will be represented in unicode.
sample = {"key": "value"}

# Most likely you would want to write it as bytes in the sample as follows
sample = {"key": b"path/to/my/file"}
sample = {"key": "value".encode("ascii")}


Buffers are an indexable container of samples. They have a known length and they can be shuffled or accessed in random order. They can of course also be iterated upon.

Buffers allow to define operations on their samples that create other buffers lazily evaluated. For instance if we have a Buffer that contains samples of image filenames, calling Buffer.load_image() would create a buffer that loads the images when accessed and not in advance in memory. For a full list of supported operations check out Buffer.

The API of Buffer is mirrored in C++ and Python and it would be trivial to port a pipeline from one to the other.

The easiest way to make a buffer is to use buffer_from_vector() which makes a Buffer from a list of samples. It can be used for instance to make a buffer from a list of files as follows:

from pathlib import Path

import mlx.data as dx

def files_and_classes(root: Path):
    """Load the files and classes from an image dataset that contains one folder per class."""
    images = list(root.rglob("*.jpg"))
    categories = [p.relative_to(root).parent.name for p in images]
    category_set = set(categories)
    category_map = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(sorted(category_set))}

    return [
            "image": str(p.relative_to(root)).encode("ascii"),
            "category": c,
            "label": category_map[c]
        for c, p in zip(categories, images)

dset = dx.buffer_from_vector(files_and_classes(Path("path/to/dataset)))
# We can now apply transformations to the dataset


Often datasets are too big, stored remotely or are nested in ways that prevent random access. This is what streams are for. A Stream is a potentially infinite iterable of samples.

Similar to buffers, streams allow to define operations on their samples that will be executed when the sample is accessed. Contrary to buffers, streams allow nesting of streams. For instance, from a strem of filenames pointing to csv files we can read these files line by line and return these in the stream. This would be impossible to implement with a Buffer as we don’t know how many lines each file would have prior to reading it.

Once again, the API of Stream is mirrored in C++ and Python and it would be trivial to port a pipeline from one to the other.

The easiest way to make a stream is from file using stream_csv_reader() and stream_line_reader() or from a Buffer by calling its Buffer.to_stream() method.

Notably streams enable prefetching (Stream.prefetch()) for efficient iteration. Continuing the example from above:

# We can define the rest of the processing pipeline using streams.
# 1. First shuffle the buffer
# 2. Make a stream
# 3. Batch and then prefetch
dset = (
    .to_stream()  # <-- making a stream from the shuffled buffer
    .prefetch(8, 4)  # <-- prefetch 8 batches using 4 threads

# Now we can iterate over dset
sample = next(dset)