Stream.shuffle(self:, buffer_size: int)

Shuffle the contents of the stream using a shuffle buffer.

A buffer of size buffer_size is filled with samples and then a random sample is returned from the buffer and replaced with a new one from the stream.

This can achieve better shuffling than using Stream.buffered() and then Buffer.shuffle() because it is not bucketing the stream and a sample is a random sample from the first to the current sample of the underlying stream.

To showcase the difference, the example below shuffles a stream of 100 numbers with a buffer of size 10 and measures the distance that a number moved from its original location.

import as dx

numbers = dx.stream_python_iterable(lambda: (dict(x=i) for i in range(100)))
buffer_shuffle = numbers.buffered(10, lambda: buff.shuffle())
shuffle = numbers.shuffle(10)

print([abs(i-s["x"].item()) for i, s in enumerate(buffer_shuffle)])
# All printed numbers above are smaller than 10

print([abs(i-s["x"].item()) for i, s in enumerate(shuffle)])
# The numbers can be up to i+10 which means that the first
# element could even be yielded last!

buffer_size (int) – How big should the shuffle buffer be.