
As also mentioned in Buffers, Streams and Samples a Buffer is an indexable container of samples. Using a buffer in python should feel very similar to accessing a list of samples.

import mlx.data as dx

numbers = dx.buffer_from_vector([{"x": i} for i in range(10)])
evens = numbers.key_transform("x", lambda x: 2*x)

# prints Buffer(size=10, keys={'x'})

# prints {'x': array(6)}

# prints 10

Factory methods#

We provide the following factory methods to create a buffer.


Make a buffer from a list of dictionaries.

files_from_tar(tarfile[, nested, num_threads])

Return the list of files contained in a tar archive.

Buffer specific API#

The random access characteristics of a Buffer allow us to define some transformations that cannot be implemented or do not make sense for a Stream.

Buffer.partition(self, num_partitions, partition)

Equivalent to slicing the buffer with a step equal to num_partitions and starting offset of partition.

Buffer.perm(self, perm)

Arbitrarily reorder the buffer with the provided indices.


Create a random permutation of equal size to the buffer and apply it thus shuffling the buffer.


Make a stream that yields the elements of the buffer.