Stream.buffered(self:, buffer_size: int, on_refill: Optional[Callable[[mlx::data::Buffer], mlx::data::Buffer]] = None, num_threads: int = 1)

Gather a buffer of samples, apply a function on the buffer and then iterate over the buffer samples.

This function can be used to implement any logic that requires a buffer of samples. For instance it can be used for pseudo shuffling by shuffling the buffer or sorting the buffer based on sequence lengths to minimize padding and wasted computation.


Shuffling the buffer is not the same as a shuffle buffer. In a shuffle buffer of size 1000 the 500th element is a random choice in the range 0-1500 while here it would be a random choice in the range 0-1000. If you need a shuffle buffer use Stream.shuffle() .

The following examples demonstrate the use of buffered.

# Pseudo shuffling
dset = dset.buffered(10000, lambda buff: buff.shuffle(), num_threads=8)

# Sort by the length of samples in order to minimize padding when batching.
# You might also want to check out `dynamic_batch`
def sort_by_length(buff):
    perm = sorted(range(len(buff)), key=len(buff[i]["x"]))
    return buff.perm(perm)
dset = dset.buffered(128 * batch_size, sort_by_length, num_threads=8)
  • buffer_size (int) – How big should the buffer be.

  • on_refill (callable, optional) – The function to apply to the buffer. (default: identity)

  • num_threads (int) – How many parallel threads to use when filling the buffer. (default: 1)