
typedef struct mlx_map_string_to_array_ *mlx_map_string_to_array#

A string-to-array map.

typedef struct mlx_map_string_to_array_iterator_ *mlx_map_string_to_array_iterator#

An iterator over a string-to-array map.

typedef struct mlx_map_string_to_string_ *mlx_map_string_to_string#

A string-to-string map.

typedef struct mlx_map_string_to_string_iterator_ *mlx_map_string_to_string_iterator#

An iterator over a string-to-string map.

mlx_map_string_to_array mlx_map_string_to_array_new(void)#

Returns a new empty string-to-array map.

bool mlx_map_string_to_array_insert(mlx_map_string_to_array map, const mlx_string key, const mlx_array value)#

Insert a new value at the specified key in the map.

Returns true if the value was actually inserted.

mlx_array mlx_map_string_to_array_get(mlx_map_string_to_array map, const mlx_string key)#

Returns the value indexed at the specified key in the map.

Returns NULL if no value was found for key.

mlx_map_string_to_array_iterator mlx_map_string_to_array_iterate(mlx_map_string_to_array map)#

Returns a new iterator over the given map.

bool mlx_map_string_to_array_iterator_next(mlx_map_string_to_array_iterator it)#

Increment iterator.

Returns true if iterator could actually be incremented.

bool mlx_map_string_to_array_iterator_end(mlx_map_string_to_array_iterator it)#

Returns true iif iterator is at the end of the map.

mlx_string mlx_map_string_to_array_iterator_key(mlx_map_string_to_array_iterator it)#

Returns the key associated to the current iterator position in the map.

mlx_array mlx_map_string_to_array_iterator_value(mlx_map_string_to_array_iterator it)#

Returns the value associated to the current iterator position in the map.

mlx_map_string_to_string mlx_map_string_to_string_new(void)#

Returns a new empty string-to-string map.

bool mlx_map_string_to_string_insert(mlx_map_string_to_string map, const mlx_string key, const mlx_string value)#

Insert a new value at the specified key in the map.

Returns true if the value was actually inserted.

mlx_string mlx_map_string_to_string_get(mlx_map_string_to_string map, const mlx_string key)#

Returns the value indexed at the specified key in the map.

Returns NULL if no value was found for key.

mlx_map_string_to_string_iterator mlx_map_string_to_string_iterate(mlx_map_string_to_string map)#

Returns a new iterator over the given map.

bool mlx_map_string_to_string_iterator_next(mlx_map_string_to_string_iterator it)#

Increment iterator.

Returns true if iterator could actually be incremented.

bool mlx_map_string_to_string_iterator_end(mlx_map_string_to_string_iterator it)#

Returns true iif iterator is at the end of the map.

mlx_string mlx_map_string_to_string_iterator_key(mlx_map_string_to_string_iterator it)#

Returns the key associated to the current iterator position in the map.

mlx_string mlx_map_string_to_string_iterator_value(mlx_map_string_to_string_iterator it)#

Returns the value associated to the current iterator position in the map.