
typedef struct mlx_closure_ *mlx_closure#

A closure encapsulating a function taking a vector of arrays, and returning a vector of arrays.

typedef struct mlx_closure_value_and_grad_ *mlx_closure_value_and_grad#

A closure which takes a vector of arrays, and returns a vector of vector of arrays of size 2.

mlx_closure mlx_closure_new(mlx_vector_array (*fun)(const mlx_vector_array arrs))#

Returns a closure encapsulating the specified function.

mlx_closure mlx_closure_new_unary(mlx_array (*fun)(const mlx_array))#

Returns a closure encapsulating the specified function.

This is a convenience function, mapping mlx_array to mlx_vector_array under the hood.

mlx_closure mlx_closure_new_with_payload(mlx_vector_array (*fun)(const mlx_vector_array, void*), void *payload, void (*dtor)(void*))#

Returns a closure encapsulating the specified function, with the given payload.

If dtor is not NULL, it will called when the closure is destroyed to free the payload.

mlx_vector_array mlx_closure_apply(mlx_closure cls, const mlx_vector_array)#

Applies the closure over the given vector of arrays argument.

mlx_vector_vector_array mlx_closure_value_and_grad_apply(mlx_closure_value_and_grad cls, const mlx_vector_array inputs)#

Applies the closure over the given vector of arrays argument.